Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Cecilia Ahlqvist inspired by Flusser at Norrköping's konstmuseum

The performance Old New Imagination builds on Vilém Flusser's ideas of the image creation and its development/paradigm shift. Flusser believes that the way to create images, not only technically but also psychological has changed with the advent of technical devices such as cameras. Some of us create, while others are merely "button pusher" working for the camera and how it creates images.

In the performence Old New Imagination Ahlqvist lifts questions about who create/reproduce/barely pulls buttons. She also raises issues about what constitutes  technological development and what is a completely different way to create images. During the performance Ahlqvist was blindfolded and tried to copy an image that the audience had chosen (in this case a painting by Gösta Sandel) by painting according to their instructions. The audience was also asked to take an active part in creating and documenting the process with videocameras and mobile phones and Ahlqvist will later edit the material into a video that will be shown during the Flusser conference Nov. 1 to 3 in Connecticut, USA.

The movie is all New Imagination, right? and who in this case is the creator of this New Imagination movie? I? The camera? The group? Gösta Sandels who made ​​the original portrait?

More information here.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Cecilia Ahlqvist prepare/produces her piece for Flusser's Black Box

Nu på onsdag, 18 september, framför jag min nya performance Old New Imagination i Norrköping konstmuseums café kl 19:00, ni är varmt välkomna! // Cecilia Ahlqvist

Konstnärsnätverket Vision Forum driver tillsammans med den Fransk/Brasilianska gruppen ANAHATA ett projekt kring filosofen Wilém Flussers teorier om media och mediering. Som en del i detta genomför Cecilia Ahlqvist sin performance Old New Imagination i konstmuseets kafé den 18 september kl 19:00. Performancen lyfter frågor om vem som är skapande och vem som är reproducerande. Cecilia Ahlqvist är performancekonstnär och fokuserar i sin konst ofta på mellanmänskliga relationer. Hon vill hellre väcka frågor än ge svar och hennes konst är ofta processinriktad.